Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Looks like one of Kevin's Little guys got through!!!!!!

So we found out about a week and a half ago that we are having BABY #5!!! I am so happy! I have to say that not everyone or hardly anyone is happy about it, partly because of Ki'Aja and the traumatic delivery and the nearly loss of life, (MINE) that is. But we are happy. We told the kids tonight and they are happy. If I learn how to upload video I will show you all their reactions. Here is what the kids are thinking we are having:

Ke'Lao: Boy and a Girl.... I wish it was twins- We would love to have twins!

Kee'Onu: Girl

Ku'uipo: Girl

Ki'Aja: Baby then she said it was a girl.

Kev and I think it is a boy. I do not care what it is, I just want it to be here and safe and healthy. I will use this blog as a way to update you all and to vent about my hopefully wonderful pregnancy and lovely vomiting that may begin soon, but hopefully will not!

So baby #5 is due June 08, 2009. According to my lovely Doctor it most likely will come earlier since all 4 of my kiddies were premature, so maybe a May baby, possibly even another April--We shall see. Now, my main stress is finding a name, it has to have so many criteria to fit, thanks to KEVIN. It has to start with a K, it has to have a 3 letter nickname, it has to have a place for an apostrophe, and it has to have a Hawaiian or Polynesian background (even though Aja's does not it still sounds like it could be) for instance:

Kee'Onu----Kee, Ku'uipo----Ipo, Ke'Lao----Keo, Ki'Aja---Aja. I am serious that this is a huge stress! If you have any suggestions we would love to hear it. I think and think and pray about my kids names, so I have to start early to be sure it is the right one. So help and suggest please, I will take them all into consideration. Love you all!


  1. Congratulations!
    Here are some names

    Kavena (boy) nickname Ena
    Kainoa (boy) nickname Noa
    Kamealoha (girl) nickname mea
    Ka'aulani (girl) nickname Lani
    Kimo (boy) you could make up a name
    Kahea (girl)make one up there too...
    I will think of some more. I will keep you guys in my prayers that you will have a good pregnancy and hopefully a full term baby.

  2. YEA! I'm so excited for you guys. I know you wanted this to happen so bad! I'm even more excited that we're due the same week, even though you will probably be early and I will be late! How fun this will be! Congrats! Hope you're feeling ok!

  3. Stacy, oh my, I am so happy for you. I thought this was impossible. What precautions are you going to have to do? Wow 5 kiddos. I can barely have the patience for 2. Good for you. Congrats!

  4. Congratulations Stacey. I'm so excited for you. I'll be praying for you to have a good pregnancy!

  5. Now my coment on your birthday makes more sense. Congrats!! I can't believe you really have a pic of "little guys" on your blog. Can't wait to find out what it is, I think it's a boy. But also for some reason I too keep thinkin maybe twins. I really hope it's just one for now. Enjoy all you can before the bedrest starts. Love ya!!

  6. WOW! How exciting. I am a little jelous as i would love to have more little people running around. The boys after I told them said " when will you have another baby so we can have a baby sister" Well I had to tell them I can not have any more.I hope all will be okay and we will keep you in our prayers. The Birr's Tell Kev happy Birthday from Montana

  7. I'm so excited for you guys!!! You'll have to let me know as soon as you know boy or girl. I hope everything goes great during the pregnancy.

  8. Congrats to the Fuller Fam!!! Stac, I'm sooo happy that you tracked my blog down. Now we can stay up to date with each others lives. I can't wait to hear what you're having. Hopefully we'll run into each other at our Doctors office! I'll keep you updated on our pregnancy efforts!
    Love Ya, Kelly Lim
