Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Surprise Baby Shower for me!

This was the lovely game my mom had me play. I had to eat baby food and guess what kind it was!! Yuck!!!!!!!!!

This is my moms best friend from kindergarten Shelly Shepherd.

Stacie Hansen, my other sister, and me.
My Grandma and Mary my sister-in-law, she is always so supportive.
My sister-in-law Shauna. I was so glad she was here, she just moved back from Arizona a couple weeks ago.

Alisha, I was so glad she was here!

I love the cute things my mom made for the shower. Cute bottles and candies stuffed in sweet bags.

The lovely girls that made the night Ku'uipo, Kaili, Ki'Aja, Sasha, and not in the picture is Abbie. I cannot believe they were able to keep it a secret:)

This was the most sweet cake my mom made, It was beautiful and fun. It made me excited to have the baby because of all the pink.

This was the food table set up with the little handouts.

This is the scene that made me cry. I saw all the great stuff that went into planning for the party and the cute clothes line with sweet clothes for the lovely baby. Cry, cry, cry. What I hope everyone knows that it was such a happy day for me to see your support and love. I cannot believe that my mom kept it a secret!!--you usually never do, So= good job! Props to the mom!! I also have to thank Stacie Hansen for helping my mom, love ya. I got so many cute wonderful baby clothes. It was so exciting. I went to the shower with only a few outfits and left with a closet full of a beautiful wardrobe! Thanks to everyone it was such a surprise and made me so excited to have her!


  1. Yay! I am so sorry that I missed it. I really wanted to be there but already had other obligations and didn't get the invite until a couple of days before. I thought about you that whole night and am glad to see that you loved it! The girls and your mom are so cute and it's so exciting to have another girl! These pics almost make me want another one...almost...LOL

  2. Your mom does the greatest parties!! Congratulations to you! That had to be a blast. Good luck

  3. Your mom is so cute. I am coming to Utah this June so we will have to get together! You look great!

  4. It was so fun to be there! Everything was so adorable. Hope you are feeling well and looking forward to seeing this sweet little girl of yours!

  5. How fun is that? A surprise shower, what a great idea! Everything was so cute and girly, I love it!
