Sunday, February 15, 2009

5 1/2 months pregnant!

I don't know what happened but I suddenly "popped" out! I kept waiting to show and here I am with baby #5!

Haha Just kidding. My mom said it doesn't look like I have a baby in there so she made me stuff my shirt with a blanket. Hence, the first picture. This is the real me. I am starting to show. I even wore a maternity type shirt to try and look more pregnant. I cannot wait until I have the real belly I know everyone thinks oh you are so lucky, but really I want to show and waddle and all since this is my last baby I will be birthing. I know this might be news to a lot of people. Kev and I know we want more kids but we also know that I am not the vessel for them to get here. It really is hard on everyone, but each baby is such a blessing and we know they are meant to be here. Our prayers are answered and we know we are done or at least I am done having them.

I had a very eventful week. It is a long story, but I will post the jist of it. I had an appointment on Wednesday for Keo and his clavicle to see if he needed surgery....He does not! Yea! Then we had some free time after we went to lunch with my Dad so I went to the store. Here I had a bleeding episode that scared me pretty bad. I made it to the hospital where they did an ultrasound and several other tests. All the while sweet Ke'Lao was with me. Luckily the nurses took him out when appropriate. Dr. Draper admitted me for observation. It was just me and Keo. I was all stressed how I would get him home since Kevin was at work and my mom had back surgery, Brittnie was at work etc. Cami was visiting her grand baby Rielly and was just down the hall. I got ahold of her and she came right over and took Ke'Lao home to my grandma. She saved me and Keo for that matter. Thanks Cam!

Anyways, Kevin was able to get off work and come up to the hospital where we spent 2 lovely days. Turns out the doc thinks I had another possible placenta abruption, very small, but I lost quite a bit of blood. He waited until I was no longer bleeding and my hematocrit started to rise. I am home now taking it easy which is not fun, but I do not want to bleed like that again, so I will be careful. Plus I have Hitler family members who make sure I am careful! This pregnancy is a trial, but this baby is a true blessing. I cannot wait to have the newborn home safe with the family. I want to thank everyone for helping and caring! I love you all and I am so blessed to have you in my life. I also need Kevin to know that as much as he hates the hospital he made it not as boring for me and he even went searching for me some peanut M&M's while I was there. I love you babe!


  1. Wow, Stacy that is scary. I hope everything will go okay so you can keep that baby in there longer. You look adorable and I can't believe you aren't showing that much. Have you seen my belly? I am doing the waddle now. Gotta love it. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  2. I believe the correct term is "gestapo." And it's a good thing you have gestapo family members you need to get that baby here safe. I'm glad everything is ok. You take care of you and that baby it is the most important thing right now.

  3. Scary. Take care of yourself and remember that you can call me if you need anything. You look cute, and you're not even 6 months yet. Your belly will look like the first pic before you know it!
    Love ya.

  4. You are in our prayers for Heavenly Father to bless and protect you. You have struggled with more issues in ONE pregnancy that I (or our girls)combined have ever had to deal with!! We are pulling for you because when two people are so willing to have a house full of children to embrace and love...we want you to have your hearts desire fulfilled to do so. Thinking of you!!

  5. I am so glad that everything okay now. How scary that must have been for you. That's sweet that Kevin stayed with you while you were in the hospital.

    You look so tiny to be so far along, I always looked so huge after 4 months along. Lucky you!

  6. Oh stacie, how scarey for you. So sorry. You should've called me. I would've helped too. go easy on yourself I don't want to see your little one at my work.

  7. Thanks to everyone for being so caring. My doctor adjusted my blood thinner dose and I believe I will not have anymore bleeding issues. Now we just have to get her here safe and sound!
