Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of School 2009!

They were so excited! They had their new lunch boxes and backpacks. I was so happy that they were so happy. It made it so much more exciting for all of us. When we picked them up they were all chatter boxes about what they did at school. They each have at least 1 or 2 friends that they already know at the new school. It made their day even better!
Kee'Onu always gets mad when we have to take pictures, so here is his "are you happy now?" pose. It was the best of 5. Kee'Onu is so happy to be in 5th grade. He found out that he even gets his own locker! I told him that I never got a locker until I was in 7th grade. What a great thing for him... I did miss his big help around the house. He is always the one we pick on to help with everything we do. I guess he can have a break while he is in school but just this once!

Keo and his cool attitude. He is so sly and rolls with the punches. First grade had better be ready for this punk!

Beautiful Ipo. She picked out her own outfit all the way down to her shoes. She loves her own style and I even let her run with it. She is so cheerful and positive and spirited. We all love her, I have to say that I did miss all her big help throughout the day with Ka'Lya. I did not realize how much I rely on her to help with the babe. She got in the car after school and had to see Kya because she missed her so much.
I love the kids and am so happy that they had a successful day at school. Hope it is a map for the next year!

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